by Student | Jan 30, 2018 | Student Journey
Do you ever get discouraged and feel like you’re not making progress? Do you graduate from Beginner Pole feeling strong and accomplished only to feel completely inept your first Intermediate class? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, like you’ve barely improved...
by Student | Jan 30, 2018 | Student Journey
Hello Fellow Aerialist! Yesterday was one of the most Mondayest Mondays ever! For the life of me I could not shake the tired feeling, it hung around all day. I almost canceled my extreme class. YIKES! I would like to blame my tired and exhausted feeling on rounding...
by Student | Jan 23, 2018 | Student Journey
Hello everyone! Sorry I have been MIA for a short while! On January 15th, I started three graduate level classes. I am trying to balance work, school, studio, and life in general at the moment. I am currently keeping my head well above water, but we will see how that...
by Student | Jan 22, 2018 | Student Journey
Sometimes practicing connection is more important than practicing to perfection. Show of hands – who attends at least one practice at the studio every week? Until recently, I didn’t really see the importance of attending Pole Practices, but, there are a number...
by Student | Jan 15, 2018 | Student Journey
And missing Pole Class is never delightful! But, in Wisconsin, sometimes the snow gets the best of us and we must stay home to be safe. Living over an hour away from Aerial Dance, this tends to happen quite a lot for me. Just because we can’t make it to the studio...