
My name is Trista. And let me just say, 2019 has been a whirlwind for me. I joined Pole Class because dancing with women who have similar end goals helped give me something to look forward to in all the dark times. It’s hard when you have children and nobody to babysit for you when you need them to, but the classes that I did have a babysitter work out for me to come was always the highlight of my week. The reason I’m writing this story is because it’s important for people to know that there is always an escape when your life falls apart. There’s always something nearby you can involve yourself in, and I strongly recommend joining Aerial Dance if you find yourself needing an escape. After all, the best project you could ever work on is you. I cannot stress the importance of involving yourself in the community enough. Aerial Dance is one of many ways to meet new people and stay distracted when your life literally falls apart! Even if your life hasn’t taken a wrong turn, it’s still very necessary to put yourself out there and meet new people! All you can change is yourself, but sometimes that changes everything. It was time for me to take control of my life and try to become the person I was made to be, and Aerial Dance helped me accomplish that because of all the persistence and motivation it required; its completely worth your time and effort! After taking the classes over the summer, I have definitely felt happier everyday because even though my life fell apart before my eyes, these classes helped me feel like I wasn’t just giving up on my happiness. Your happiness is worth everything!!!