
Student Showcase

HOLY WOW!!!!!! This Student Showcase was top notch! All of the performers came with their A game and rocked it! Social media has been blowing up with recaps of show and I am still amazed at each persons’ hard work and dedication. To watch each of my aerial sisters and brothers perform was a truly humbling experience. I am blessed to be friends with such bada** people!

In class you see each person learn the tricks, combos, and sequences, but you don’t get to see their personality shine through when working in class. The Student Showcase was an amazing opportunity to truly see each dancers strengths and the confidence that radiates from them as they perform.

As I sat watching the routines, tears were brought to my eyes. I was so proud to see how much each of my sisters have grown. In all honesty, what other gym or fitness center could bring so many women together in such a positive uplifting manner? Very few, if any. My future in laws were able to attend the show and they couldn’t believe the strength and grace each dancer brought to the stage of varying ability levels! AMAZING JOB EVERYONE!


I never truly understood the word fangirling until this past Saturday. We got to share the stage with FOUR, FOUR, Pole Stars! It is one thing to watch pole stars at a competition, but to have them come and represent at Aerial Dance was beyond amazing! It was absolutely electrifying experience to be congratulated by them after performing my routine. I was speechless.

Not to be a mush, but I do have to say that I was fangirling over Steve something fierce. He worked so hard for the showcase! We did have a few minor slip ups. Sharing that experience with him was more than I could have imagine. We are working out the kinks of routine so we can take our routine to Bizarre After Dark in May.

On the day of the showcase, mirrors were in limited supply. He didn’t even bat an eye when I asked him to run to Walmart to pickup two large mirrors. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing man! He is truly turning into an aerial hubby! 🙂

Amazing Women

Aerial Dance has recently started a scholarship program to help women get back to studio when life gets tough. When Paula made the announcement of the scholarship program, I just began to cry. The person who created this idea is a beautiful soul.

I can speak from experience of having to put my pole journey on hold being a student teacher. Life was hard working only 15 to 20 hours a week, while student teaching full time. It was so hard to put my journey on hold and leave my home away from home.

This new program will provide so many women with the opportunity to return to their safe place. It takes a village to create strong confident women, the person who donated the money to Aerial Dance truly believes in the community of women Aerial Dance has built and continue to build. I do not know who you are, but if you are reading this. Thank you for providing this amazing opportunity to help uplift women! You are an outstanding individual!

Until Next Time,
