
Hello everyone!
Sorry I have been MIA for a short while! On January 15th, I started three graduate level classes. I am trying to balance work, school, studio, and life in general at the moment. I am currently keeping my head well above water, but we will see how that changes each week as my classes really get going. Now on to more exciting things like the trip I took last weekend with some other lovely pole ladies!


Many of you know that this past weekend was the Minnesota Pole Competition! Myself and several of the students carpooled together to make the trip to support the Aerial Dance Competitors. If you missed who was competing, I would like to extend an AWESOME FREAKING JOB!!!! to Student Veronica, Student Natalie, Instructor Olivia, and Instructor Lynn! You ladies did a phenomenal job at representing Aerial Dance!
To my surprise and to the surprise of others, it was with great honor that Aerial Dance was asked to create a group number to close out the competition on Saturday! We truly have some of the most talented instructors in the pole world! That is all thanks to our Owner Paula and the dedication and hours spent by all instructors to provide us with the highest pole education possible. I am constantly reminded how lucky we are to have Aerial Dance in our area! Here are pictures of our Instructors’ beginning and end poses! Big shout out to our instructors who doubled as judges! You rock! Also to Instructor Kim and Instructor Leah, you two were the hottest pole cleaners I ever saw!

After trying to take pictures of the people that I knew that were competing, I have a new found respect for the photographers! No only does the lighting constantly change, but the people are always moving. Granted I was only using my cellphone, it was really quite the challenge!

What Is It Like to Attended The MN Pole Competition?

I have now been to three pole competitions now. I went to the PSO competition in Chicago and this was my second time attending the MN competition. So I haven’t been to too many, but I can provide you a little snippet of why I really like the MN Pole Competition. This year they split the competition into two days. I really liked that as you did not have to cram all of the performers into one day. At this competition they break the performers down into sections and then allow for short intermissions before the next section. You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you, but at certain points you do get poled out. The breaks are a great opportunity to get up and stretch!
This competition is very cost effective! It makes traveling to competition a little less of task to know you didn’t spend an arm and leg on tickets. For the weekend you receive a wristband. Your wristband allows you to come and go from the theater as you please. This is a great concept so that you don’t feel like you have to stay all day. Like I said watching pole can get a little tiring and repetitive. Myss Angie does an incredible job of creating the atmosphere for her competition. It is very light and each competitor is treated like they are the next pole god or goddess! It feels more like a celebration of the competitors rather than a stuffy competition. Plus you get to enjoy the wonderful SweetPea as your MC. She is an absolute hoot!

This is our group with the magnificent SweetPea! She is absolutely fabulous in every aspect!

The MN Comp has vendors come for you to shop! This year there were three pole sport clothing sponsors, Dew Point Pole, a massage therapist, a physical therapist, and of course Student Michelle was there as a sponsor selling insurance! It is awesome to be in a place the is selling the things that you need for pole. Pole clothes and grip aids are hard to find in the Fox Valley. I may or may not have splurged a little this weekend.
My most favorite part of this competition is they provide food for the dancers, judges, and the people watching the competition. It’s not even crap food either! I’m talking chicken breast, pulled pork, salad, sauteed green beans, roasted potatoes, and quinoa! It is absolutely amazing! If you are thinking of going to a competition, I would recommend starting at the MN Comp.

Our Pole Family

Each time I go on an adventure with my pole friends, I can’t help but feel so unbelievably blessed. I am constantly surrounded by women who are beautiful, strong, confident, and  incredible. Who else gets to say that they have that? Each of us has our very own background, but each of us brings our own experiences and life story, which brings us closer together.
This past weekend while driving to Minnesota, we spent a good portion of time in the car with friends. After awhile you would think we would have run out of things to talk about, but we didn’t! s! We talked the whole way to the competition, at our AirBnb, and all the way back home! Even though life gets in the way of seeing each other at the studio, we never skip a beat once we get back together. The friendships that are built at the studio are built to stand the test of time! For that I am forever grateful! Thank you ladies for an amazing weekend!

Here we are striking a pose! We are a fierce looking group of ladies!

Until Next Time,