I have been working on setting intentions this year before I engage in many different tasks, whether they are daily tasks or random things that come up. Setting intentions allows me to enter something and be mindful of the purpose of each activity. Not only can you set intentions before various tasks, but you can set intentions before each day or each week. 

Setting intentions has many benefits including giving you more clarity and focus, it motivates you and gives you purpose, allows you to be mindful and reflect and provide a positive mindset. When you set intentions it helps you clarify what you want to achieve and how you want to feel. It allows you to direct your focus and energy where you want it to be. It also can boost your motivation because when you understand why you’re pursuing something, it is easier to stay committed and be excited about what you are doing. Setting intentions gives you space and time to be mindful. It allows you to have time to be in the present. It also guides you to consider what you truly want and how you want to engage with the world. It provides you with opportunities for personal growth and self awareness. When you focus on positive intentions it can shift your mindset. If you can move away from negativity it can open up a world of possibilities. It can really improve your overall outlook on many things.

Take some time this week to set your intentions. Maybe you want to set your intentions for the week or for the day. Maybe you want to set your intentions for the class you are about to take. Before each class take a few minutes to think about what matters most to you and what you want to achieve. Make sure to be specific and to be positive in the intentions you set. 

If you are not sure where to start, here are some positive intentions to consider and build off…

Today I am committed to practicing patience and embracing every challenge as an opportunity for growth.

My intention is to listen to my body and respect its limits, while also pushing myself to try something new.

I will stay present and focused and stay connected with my body.