
I’ve been at Aerial Dance for about 2 years! It has been the most rewarding journey I have ever been through. It took me a bit to even want to sign up. The first time I saw the ladies at Aerial Dance perform was at a Bizarre After Dark event. I thought to myself how amazing and beautiful it was. No way am I able to do anything like that. Like every woman before they even try it, I had those doubts. I actually had to have my sister give me the initial push to sign up. But before we did we also had a pole party for her bachelorette party. After that, I have to say we were pretty hooked!

When I think back on my first beginner pole class, I was nervous but yet super excited because I remember how much fun we had at that party. What made the journey even better was the amount of women you meet at the studio. Everyone is so nice and encouraging. Even the instructors are incredible and I’m thankful for every single one of them. Aerial Dance is my second home and I always look forward to going to the studio. From beginner to where I am now, it’s amazing to think of how far I’ve come. I thought to myself I would never have the strength, but here I am in advance one doing all sorts of inverts! I am very proud of where I’m at and where I’ll continue to go. I also would say I am very happy where I am mentally. I feel as if Aerial Dance has given me the power to be happy and confident in myself. I have all the women at the studio to thank for that. I honestly don’t know where I would be today if I hadn’t signed up, but I’m very glad I did. 

What I love about the studio is how encouraging everybody can be. I’ve learned not to compare myself to others. I sadly used to do that a lot. Nobody’s journeys will be the same and we’re all reaching for our own individual goals. I love watching everyone grow! I recently also had friends join and it’s been amazing to watch them thrive. Aerial Dance truly is a women’s sanctuary. I would like to thank Paula for providing such an amazing place for all of us. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for my journey and others.