At the time of writing this blog, we are currently 2 weeks away from The Annual Show and oh my goodness, how is it getting so close already!? We still need to have more practices together, we need to figure out our hair, we need to figure out what we’re doing for makeup, wait we can’t get this one doubles trick yet, are you sure we can get this in time for the show?? All of this sounding familiar to anyone? This is certainly how I feel some days as we get closer to the show. Some days it feels like we need to add like 10 more practices before the show and run our routine 100 more times before we even feel ready for the stage!

Looking back at our first practice when we were first trying things out, we’ve come such a long way since then! It’s incredible what we’re all able to accomplish in just a short amount of time. Our group all met up for a show practice recently and while we each have our concerns about stamina or grip or consistency, but we all still have such a good time each time we come together when we practice! I love being able to meet up with them each time and continuously improve. Our group has gotten very close, not just bonding over our bruises or band aid usage but working together to make our doubles tricks happen and getting very close and comfortable with each other.

Honestly, if we had to perform our routine tomorrow, we could definitely do it. Would it be good? Maybe. But I’m glad we still have time to smooth out any kinks in the routine and become more comfortable with it. I’m very grateful for one of our group members who really has the timing down, so she yells out when to switch moves, I help out getting the dancey bits in the beginning and every time when we’ve performed it so far, and each time it’s getting better and better! 

A little word of advice from someone who has performed for many years of her life and is participating in her 3rd annual show. If you’re getting worried about the show, panicking that there’s not enough time, take a deep breath for a second and relax. I promise you do have time. No one in the audience knows your routine besides you and your teammates. The adrenaline that’s going to be running through you that day is going to make the day go by so fast, and that 3 minute routine is going to FLY BY!! So enjoy these moments, keep practicing and before you know it, show day is going to be here.