
How many of us don’t take advantage of our practices each week? I know for a fact that I’m guilty of it. Sometimes I will get into a rhythm of using my practices and then I get distracted by all the other classes that are available. It is so easy to do. Who wouldn’t rather take a fun class where you may learn a new trick or sequence?  

Ladies, use those practices! They are there for your sake and they do help I promise you. 

A lot of you are probably like me and when you get to practice you have no idea what to do and maybe you just stand there and watch other girls, and maybe do a move or two yourself. Maybe you grab your card and stare at it for a while but eventually you give up on that.  

So what did you accomplish? Do you feel like it was worth it to go? Maybe you think that you should have just joined that hoop or dance cardio class instead. I’m not saying taking those classes are bad, I’m saying find ways to make your practice successful!

Try bringing a notebook or journal with you to your weekly class. Make notes about moves you want to work on. Perhaps there was a move in class you struggled to understand. Use these notes to make a plan for your practice. I have noticed that when I go into my practice prepared or with a game plan I feel so much more successful. 

Also, don’t forget that there’s an instructor available at practice (aside from semi-private). ASK THEM QUESTIONS!!! That is why they are there! Different instructors have different ways of teaching things. I’ve had moves that I couldn’t figure out and then I’d have a different instructor come and break it down in a different way and it just clicked. 

So ladies, use your practices! Go into them with a plan and take advantage of the instructor there. You will feel much more accomplished!