
One year ago I walked into Aerial Dance and my life changed forever. Not only did I find a sport that I love, but I found a community of the most amazing people that I am blessed to call my friends. Aerial is a wonderful place for women to gain strength, confidence, capability, and motivation. The classes are amazingly unique, empowering and adjustable. I have taken a few different classes throughout my time so far, and each one was unique in its own way and made my decision of which one I wanted to do very difficult. Initially I started with 8 weeks of pole. Right away I connect with everyone in my class. We supported each other when we struggled and cheered each other on when we succeeded! We sweat together and dance together! You don’t need to take a class with friends, because after your first 8 week session ends, you will have a class full of friends. 

After I worked my way up to intermediate pole I decided to take the leap and join the Elite program which allows me to take any class I want at any time, as many classes in a day as I choose. So far I have taken quite a few Aerial Hoop classes and really enjoy them. Aerial Hoop is definitely a full body workout and a fantastic way to strengthen your core as well as many other areas of the body. Hoop class has also immensely helped me with my flexibility, balance, and coordination when doing certain tricks.

Aerial Dance is truly a special place that really helped me become the person I am today. I never thought that taking a chance on something like this would truly change my life for the better. Not only is this an amazing place for a great workout, but every one really makes you feel welcome, encouraged, and motivated.

Aerial Dance also offers adorable custom made apparel and other supplies that you can buy right at the studio. This was another bonus for me once I decided to focus on the pole at the start. Being able to purchase pole grip, grip pads, and pole shorts before or after class was a big life saver, without that as an option I would have been at a loss. They also offer several other products, equipment, and supplies to help with the other apparatus options they offer.