
Recently there was a blog post about the way in which we at Aerial Dance are spoiled due to the time our instructors dedicate, the amount of options and learning experiences we are offered, and the book club and learning library.  And while I agree with all of that, the thing I agree with the most, is that there is so much more that makes us spoiled at Aerial Dance. And I think the biggest one is the sisterhood of all women from all walks of life and support that has been fostered and created; starting with our instructors. 

Our instructors wouldn’t be as dedicated to the hours spent preparing and practicing and training if they did not also feel the connection and believe in the power of what has been fostered.  There is a reason the instructors are all homegrown and were members first.  They grew their way into the sisterhood one connection at a time, just like we all do.  

Our instructors have struggled with some of the very same moves we have struggled with.  Heck, at times our instructors do struggle with the exact same move we are currently struggling with. Our instructors are all real people, at different levels of their aerial journey.  Many of our instructors started and have continued to do aerial for all of their own various reasons, and they bring their true selves to the studio every day. Our instructors know to recommend different variations because they all have different body shapes and abilities so they have lived the short arm struggle, or whatever other various struggle it is. I love taking classes with different instructors because I routinely learn a different way to do or get into a move.  

Our instructors are routinely the biggest hype girls and it’s not just because they are our instructors and it’s part of their job.  It’s genuine.  And part of the genuineness comes from the previous point. Our instructors have also struggled with that move.  Our instructors have struggled with real life.  And they are making it. And they want you to make it too. You feel the support through the happy dance they do for you when you get the move you have been trying. 

Our instructors are genuinely invested in our well being because they know, our well being individually, our strength individually, is what the power of the Aerial Dance Sisterhood is created of. There is no disputing, individually we are all awesome but the thing that really makes Aerial Dance what it is, is that we all want to make it the welcoming, supportive, inclusive place it is.  We, the women, from Founder Paula to our newest members, want to foster a place that brings women together and supports them.  All of them. So we are doing it.  And that, that is us spoiling ourselves.