
One of the biggest things that Aerial Dance has given me is confidence! And with this confidence I never thought I would ever think about buying 8 inch heels! I remember shopping for heels and thinking to myself, “I think I’m a little bit crazy for wanting to try it out but why the heck not.” Most of the girls who started heels before I did recommended the higher, the better. I just felt like eight inch boots was a good start for me. I was so nervous, yet very excited when they finally came through the mail. Obviously curious I wanted to try them on and to be sure that they were the right size. Another recommended thing that I’ve heard from others – do not attempt to walk and/or dance around the pole with high heels on carpeted floors. I definitely avoided that rule because I felt like I was going to be clumsy enough already, I don’t want to risk anything. Trying them on for the first time I was surprised by how easy they were to walk in. I felt as if I just put on a higher platform shoe, but the real test is when I would use them in studio.

The main reason I also wanted to try heels is that Aerial Dance offers heelography classes. My first heels class was in Green Bay in 2019, crazy to think it’s already been that long! But of course I was a little nervous with it being the first time dancing with these boots on. Again, to my surprise it went pretty well! Though I still feel like I have to work on my flow, I felt pretty sassy. The confidence I was feeling was like no other feeling I’d felt before. It really felt empowering that I had these tall boots on and I can dance around the pole. Any chance that a heelography workshop was announced I did my best to try to attend every single one! 

I was super excited when Aerial Dance started to offer heels classes as a flow or conditioning class in the Elite membership. Doing all the fun things plus heels, of course I could not pass that up! I feel like once you get into heels, it’s like another addiction. If my schedule allows it, of course I am trying to get into any heels class. I also have a couple of heels I’ve had my eyes on that eventually I will be making purchases for. Though I only still have my black boots, they have gotten through a lot. I would recommend anyone from the studio at least give it a try, mainly the confidence it has given me has been incredible! I would have never thought in a million years I’d ever have a pair, but it was well worth it.