Have you ever had a move teach you something? I don’t mean that you’re learning that move–I mean that you’re learning something important to your pole journey. Do you have any moves like that?
For me, that “teaching” move was Seated Drop to Brass Monkey (or whatever folks call it these days). Here’s my Instagram video:
Do you see that part where, after I hook my foot, I have to let go? That’s the scariest part, because you’re just holding on by your knee-pit and your foot, and you have to lay back and reach for a pole you can’t see right away.
You have to just go for it.
You have to trust in your grip and in your skills (and in your spotter, if you have one) and dive. The higher up in pole classes you get, the more this becomes an important thing to remember. I’ve seen ladies, who are being spotted, afraid to let go and lean into their lay-backs. I don’t blame them, because it can really be a scary thing. What concerns me, though, is that they’re letting their fear get in the way! Rather than worrying that they might fall, they have to trust their grip (and their spotter) and go for it.
Next time you catch yourself about to chicken out of a lay-back or precarious move of any sort, do me a favor. Make sure you have a spotter if you need one! Then, check your grip strength–is it good? If so– GO FOR IT. You have to just let go of your security
Once you do that, take a look in the mirror.
See that bada**? That’s you ;).