It’s Bird? It’s Plane? No! It’s KYRA!
In a few short months Aerial Dance will be opening a brand new studio! With that new studio opening, we are blessed to add some wonderful new instructors to our already fantastic group of ladies!. It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to introduce you to Instructor in training Kyra! Kyra was born and raised right here in the Fox Cities. As a young child, Kyra enjoyed gymnastics.Although, she loved gymnastics at the age of 11, she had to make the difficult decision to stop. For that time in her life, it was the correct choice, but it has left a hole in her heart. Through her life she has moved to many different places. Since 2000 she has moved 21 times. She has traveled far and wide, but Wisconsin will always be home for her. She currently works at one of my favorite places in Appleton, the Free Market! If you have not been to the Free Market, I highly recommend it!
Before Kyra actually signed up for Aerial Dance, she had seen ads in Nature’s Pathways magazines. She couldn’t believe her eyes that the small town of Appleton had an Aerial Studio! She hopped that Aerial Dance would be an outlet for creativity and an opportunity to learn the dancy parts. It also was an opportunity for Kyra to fill the hole that leaving gymnastics had left. Kyra stated that dancing didn’t come naturally to here. (At this point, my mind was blown!) If you have not seen Kyra move, you need too! Her movements are so fluid and have so much grace! It is a true thing of beauty.
Starting Her Aerial Journey
In January of 2014, Kyra decided that taking Pole would be her New Years gift to herself and she signed up for classes. She soon fell completely in love with Pole. This transferred into a love of Pole Flow and Floor Flow! For the past four years, Kyra has honed and grown her pole skills. With the new studio opening in Green Bay, it only made sense for Kyra to step out of her comfort zone and jump in! Being an instructor was always on Kyra’s radar, but the timing was always just a but off. Finally the stars have aligned and she will be able to start a new journey and accomplish one of her life goals!
Kyra brings to the Aerial Dance Instructor Team many skills and talents. She is wonderful person on the inside and out. It has been a privilege of mine to get to know her in class. She is always willing to help and has a wealth of pole knowledge, that I know she is dying to share with the rest of us!
Areas of Growth
Like most at the studio we have the apparatuses we love and the ones we know challenge us. For me, it is pole and hammock is a close second. For Kyra Pole will always be her first love and hoop follows close behind. She is slowly developing a love hammock and silks as she continues her training. This is the beauty of Aerial Sports! There is always a new challenge waiting just around the corner! I look forward to having Kyra as my instructor! I know she brings with her great strengths as an Aerialist and as a person.
Until Next Time,