My semester is nearing it’s close, thank goodness. I am excited to consume many adult beverages and lay in the summer sun between my summer class homework, but it’s really not the thing I’m most looking forward to.
I’m so pumped to have more time to get to the studio! Pending that I can have some semblance of a normal life over the summer (hey, a woman can dream!), I will finally be able to push my skills and build more strength!
Buuuuuuuuut, for now, I’m stuck in the work-school grind, making it when I can. I miss everyone, and I miss learning and dancing. My friends have noticed, and when I happen to have a little time, they remind me I should get to the studio! Good friends, right?
The hard part about only getting to the studio once in a while is that I don’t really make any progress. I’m not learning anything, I’m not busting out new Instagram-able aerial tricks to share, or expanding my aerial awesomeness. When I go, I’m working on keeping the basics strong and doing the tricks I know I am capable of.
Though the lack of progress is sometimes boring, I’ve realized that it isn’t all that bad. Sure, I’m not getting farther, but I’m certainly not going backwards! I can still bust out some of the harder tricks I’ve learned and they still look pretty good! When I post pictures like these and those close to me tell me that it looks so hard, I’m reminded how far I’ve come since I began. I’m also reminded that I do know a few things–which I would definitely hope is true after almost four years of dancing!
My (unfortunately) sparse attendance has also reminded me of something else—I really love this stuff! When I can make it to the studio, I am eternally grateful. Just the mere fact that I am able to be there and able to practice my skills makes me so happy.
My current focus is on enjoyment–and isn’t that why we do this in the first place? Each visit is a reminder that I DO love this sport and this studio. When I can jump on the pole and do anything from a Fireman, to a Butterfly-Flatline Combo, to a Seated Drop of Monkey ( or whatever it’s called 🙂 ), I’m enjoying the rush. When I have to leave, I feel recharged. I’ve not only gotten to finally play, but I’ve also gotten to see some of my awesome pole friends, and see how far they’ve come!
I DO NOT recommend reducing your attendance to Aerial Dance, by any means. What I DO recommend is when you are supremely frustrated with a move, remembering why the heck you’re doing it in the first place. Remember why you keep coming to class, and remember why you love this sport so much. Once in a while, go to a practice and just play with your favorite moves! Relish the happiness that being on a pole can bring. Remind yourself how happy you are when you’re pole dancing, or performing any other aerial art for that matter! Sometimes it can be frustrating to be caught up in the push to get better. You should always get better, but you should also never lose sight of why you’re doing that.
Sometimes, you need to just get a spin in for the fun of it! 🙂