There’s a famous proverb that asks, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is simple, “One bite at a time.”

With the new year upon us, many of us have set resolutions for 2025. Aerial Dance even offered a night of crafting and goal-setting for members, encouraging us to think about what we want to accomplish in the year ahead. 

But so many goals we set for ourselves are either too big or beyond our control, and so we get lost in the process. So often I’ve set goals to lose a certain number of pounds, and have become discouraged when I don’t see those results, even with diet changes and lots of exercising. I don’t think I’m the only one who has done that – go to any fitness studio in early January and you’ll have a harder time finding a parking spot, but by February there are plenty available again! 

Why do we fail? First off, weight loss numbers are beyond our control. We can be doing everything “right” and our bodies can still plateau. Secondly, we focus on a big outcome and get discouraged, instead of setting small, attainable objectives.

So, how do we eat that elephant? We create SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Here’s an example: Instead of saying I’m going to lose 20 pounds this year by whatever means necessary, I’d say, “I am going to improve my muscle tone and stamina by attending 3+ conditioning classes each week for at least three weeks out of each month in 2025.”

Now let’s make sure the goal is SMART.

  • Specific: Yes, it pertains to one area of my health.
  • Measurable: This is where our app comes in handy – I can easily track which classes I take!
  • Achievable: I already attend some conditioning classes, so I know I can do this. I also gave myself some wiggle room in case of illness, vacation, or other life hurdles.
  • Relevant: Does this goal align with my larger goal to improve my health? Absolutely!
  • Time-bound: I have both weekly and monthly objectives that will keep me on track for the year.

When we frame my goals this way, instead of the previous way, we are so much more likely to succeed. Good luck eating your elephants in 2025!