The Aerial Dance Smart is Sexy Book Club has been around for 2ish years! I’m a part of the Facebook group so I received all the posts but never read any of the books or attended the discussions. I have now discovered that I was doing myself a disservice. Because book club is awesome!!! My goal for 2020 was to read more. It was hard at first because, let’s be honest, at the end of a long day of work, who isn’t tired and would rather not think. It is all too easy to turn on Netflix or a TV show, or to mindlessly scroll through social media. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Reading isn’t hard, it’s enjoyable. Now it’s something that I just DO! And I love it.
I was nervous for my first book club discussion. Did I take enough notes? Would I remember enough to be able to talk about the book? How did this whole thing work? Turns out there was nothing to worry about. It was both super chill and we were able to do a deep dive into the book.
These books are meant to challenge us intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. While it’s obviously a worthwhile endeavor to read a book, it’s even better to be able to discuss that book topics with others. Doing so leads to a better understanding as you can both take in and learn from other people’s interpretations as well as express your own. Who would have thought being an adult could be so much fun?!? I seriously mean that. Your aerial sisters are super smart, so having this opportunity to further discuss the book and what can at times be personally challenging subject matters helps to reinforce the key takeaways. Plus, we laugh and have dinner!
To quote David Richo from our latest book “it is not that practice makes perfect, but that practice is perfect, combining effort with an openness to grace”. This quote applies to so many things in life. In this case, it applies to my reading skills. Am I always present while reading? Do I absorb everything I read? Do I always finish the book? Have I been able to implement everything I have learned? No to all, but I am working on it and that is perfection.
So pick up a copy of one (or all) of our upcoming books, and whether you finish reading it or not, I highly recommend that you come to the discussion. You’ll learn more about life, about yourself, about your aerial sisters and eat some good sushi!
Upcoming Books:
April 5 at 4:30PM – Unf*ck Yourself
May 21 at 4:30pm – I Thought It Was Just Me
August 2 at 4:30PM – Body Kindness
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