The Week We Have Been Waiting For is Here!!!!!

Can you believe that we are in the final days before the show!?!?! Seems like just yesterday we were all getting started. Before you freak out, because it is the week of the show, I want to say congratulations! No matter what happens on Saturday, I am so proud of you! You are a rock star!
Be sure that you are continuing your self care this week! Don’t over do it in practices and classes this week! I am not saying cancel all of your classes, but maybe taking three classes in a row three days in a row is not the wisest choice for Christmas Show week. I know you are all bada$$es, but lets not get injured the week of the show.

Important Things to Remember this Week

  1. Practice in full costume and hair!
  2. Run through your routine in your mind many times throughout the week.
  3. If you are battling a cold, take it easy this week! Save your energy for your performance.

Friday Night Dress Rehearsal

This Friday is our dress rehearsal for the Christmas Show. It takes place at Tanners Bar and Grill in Kimberly from 6pm to 8pm. Don’t get confused and head to the studio! That happened to a few girls a couple of years ago. YIKES! The dress rehearsal gives you a true feeling of what it will feel like to perform on Saturday! This is a great way to get a feel for the stage. Be sure to wear your costumes!!!! Paula and the instructors will be there to provide feedback.
For me this dress rehearsal calms some of my nervous jitters and also makes others buzz a little more. This will be my third Christmas Show and I still get butterflies in my stomach. I always tell myself, “Don’t worry! You’ll be great!”

Day of the Show

  1. Plan a time to meet with your group. There is time to run through routines from 11 am to 1 pm the day of the show. Don’t leave your group hanging.
  2. You can get ready at the bar before the show! Ladies bring makeup, curling irons, lights, and mirrors to get ready back stage. it can be a little hectic back stage, but it is wonderful bonding time with your pole sisters. It helps calms nerves by laughing and enjoy some girl time. If you need help applying makeup there are always many ladies willing to help. Be sure to clean up your area after you have completed getting ready.
  3. Bring cash if you plan to have your makeup done professionally. Please be mindful of the makeup schedule so that the makeup artists do not get behind. The last makeup time slots bring us really close the the beginning of the show!
  4. EAT SOMETHING!!!!! It is extremely important that you eat throughout the day! You don’t want nerves coupled with hunger to cause lightheadedness or nausea. I am not saying eat a five course meal, but be sure that your body has enough energy to perform. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!
  5. Communicate with your family and friends, parking and seating fill up fast. Be sure that they know to get there early enough to find parking and a seat! The show will start promptly at 3:00 pm

I have had the opportunity to see many of the routines in the past couple of weeks and they are looking AMAZING! I am so honored and blessed that I get to share the stage with so many amazing women who have been doing pole for only a few months to those who have been poling for years. Ladies above all else this week, remember your journey and how truly amazing you are. Look how far you have come in just a short time. This years show is going to be even more amazing than last years!
If you plan to purchase a video of your performance today December 3, 2018 is the last day to do so! Videos are $20.00 cash!
See you soon!