Hello Fellow Aerialist!
Yesterday was one of the most Mondayest Mondays ever! For the life of me I could not shake the tired feeling, it hung around all day. I almost canceled my extreme class. YIKES! I would like to blame my tired and exhausted feeling on rounding out my birthday weekend, but that wasn’t that case.
Sunday brought forth some unexpected challenges that I am trying to overcome and accept what I can’t change. It was with a heavy heart that I had to miss the book club meeting. It looked like the ladies who could attend had a blast! You can bet your bottom I’ll be at the next one! Sunday also reminded my that I am not as graceful at times as I would like to be. Lets just say that ice is very slippery and mother nature won that round. I have a few bumps and bruises, but I will survive!
Being in the extreme pole classes is a phenomenal goal to work towards. At times I feel that I am floundering, but then I remember that it is my journey and not a race. This week we focused on Allegra, J-Allegra and Jade. For me, Jade is like a seductive temptress, she is beautiful with her long gorgeous lines and effortless looks. I want her so bad, but she has always evaded me.
This week however, I made some awesome progress! I was able to find the balance point! From the cartoon above you can see that you have put your hand on your hip/butt like you are holding a platter. In the past I could not find the sweet spot to keep my jade stable.Well yesterday I was able to find the sweet spot! I was able to take my legs off the pole for the very first time in Jade. I was extremely proud of myself and thankful for Instructor Kim’s guidance.
As I stated earlier, I was in no mood to even attempt to do pole. With falling on the ice on Sunday, having a million and 12 things running through my brain, I wanted to crawl into a hole. I pushed myself to go to class, hoping that something in class would help change my spirits. I don’t know what it is about the studio, but it has a way of sneaking up on you. It was a pouty, tired, and overall had zero ambition kind of day. Slowly, but surely my mood began to adjust and before I knew it, I was feeling more like myself! Maybe it was the exercise, the women in class, the instructors or just the studio itself. Whatever the combination, I am always thankful to be part of the studio. It was not my best pole day, the combinations were a struggle, but I was there and I did it! I gave it my best effort for that day and even had some small victories! It’s not always making leaps and bounds in pole. Celebrate even the smallest accomplishments!
Some Day
After making progress in my Jade last night, I found that more than anything, I need and want to work on flexibility. This is something I have said time and time again, but I need to take charge and make it happen. My Jade is nowhere near as split like as the cartoon pictured above. I look more like an inverted triangle missing the bottom line. Hip and hamstring flexibility have always been my greatest nemesis. When I regularly attended Bendy Babe classes I was seeing significant progress, but life happens and Bendy Babe fell to the wayside. I have told myself that this is something I need to change, no on else can keep me accountable for my flexibility. I am hoping the new member “Self Care Sundays” can help me with this goal. It will be away for me to discuss my struggles and successes with others who share common goals. The first “Self Care Sunday” Is February 17th from 6:00pm to 7:30 pm. I look forward to seeing you there!
Until Next Time,