As I journey back into taking flight again, I was initially overwhelmed by all of the things I need to work on/review. Pole, hoop, silks, dance cardio, hammock… And that isn’t even half of it. Instead of being bogged down by the fact that I am starting from the very very very beginning for everything, I am amazed and mesmerized by all of the phenomenally fun activities offered at Aerial Dance. Did you realize that Aerial Dance offers five different categories of classes? Pole, Aerial, Fitness, Dance and Flexibility classes. Plus workshops! And everything is so cool. I want to do all of the things! I need baby Izzy to take longer naps so I can take more classes!
So in case you are feeling overwhelmed right now, I hope you choose to be excited about all of the things you get to try or your amazing body gets to do. If you are feeling like you are in a rut, then change it up! There are seriously so many classes to choose from and doing something new can reinvigorate you and your soul! I am going to sign future Kelly up for a class right now so do your future self a favor and make sure you are signed up for classes right now!