When talking about confidence there’s a lot of things that go into that. We all know someone who just exudes confidence and radiates good energy. Some people learn confidence, others it just comes naturally to them and there are some of us who are still actively working on our self confidence. For me, it’s not something that comes naturally and while I have things that I’m good at and am confident doing, it doesn’t always mean I feel confident doing them. I’ve been taking pole classes with Aerial for over 4 years now and there are still days when I have no idea what’s going on or what to do with my body. I’m not gonna lie, there are some intermediate or advanced 1 moves that I still struggle with or don’t remember the names of.
When I look back to when I first started at Aerial versus now, I can tell that my confidence has gotten better and that I’m not as afraid as I used to be. But I still have days when moves aren’t hitting, or my grip is bad, or my brain just isn’t fully processing the combo or moves on the board and it ruins my mood a bit. It does make class more of a struggle sometimes, but the instructors are always so helpful and patient and even my classmates have helped out in the past trying to explain things. Some days, if I’m really struggling, I’ll admit that I will just give up and move onto something else that I know I can do, because I want a win for that class, even if it’s something I’ve done a hundred times before.
I am very grateful to our instructors though and them believing in us even when we think we can’t. I’m someone who needs a little extra push on those days I may be struggling, from someone who knows that I can do what they’re asking. I’m just in my own head about it and tell myself I can’t, but they know that I can do it! We’re all each other’s advocates at the studio, and when we’re all cheering each other on each class, it helps boost that self-confidence up just a little more than before. I will always be grateful to the instructors for pushing me and believing in me and being an extra support system when I need it. You may not think the instructors know what you’re capable of, but I can promise you that they do! You are more capable than you think you are, you are strong and you are a bad-a$$ woman who can do anything she sets her mind to!