This one might end up being a little weird, but this brings a smile to my face when I think about it. I love our studio and the people in. The instructors, the students, everyone has such unique backstories or talents, some people are extremely flexible and others have some mad crochet skills! What I love is that we are free to be ourselves and it’s a safe space to be who you are and not feel judged. We celebrate each other and our wins in pole or in aerial classes, continually cheering each other on! We also know how to enjoy a really good burp. While the studio is a great safe space, I also love how unhinged some of us can be, in the best way possible! The loads of different conversations you could end up having in each class just depending on the day you’ve had or the instructor you have makes going to the studio just that more fun on top of everything else!

Depending on when and where you’ve taken classes, you’ve most likely gotten into some sort of conversation either about your body or it’s functions. I’m not just talking about looks or being sore, I’m talking about weird bodily functions, past medical experiences, or things you thought were normal only to find that maybe it wasn’t based on conversation with the others in class, but there’s still no judgment for it. The thing is, we’re all so honest in these conversations, because we trust the people around us. Some people may have gone through something similar or are a nurse or just know an absurd amount of random knowledge! There’s something just so freeing about talking about it with other people who are willing to listen or you know have gone through something similar. It brings us closer together as a studio and as people and I love that about us all. Sometimes all it takes to break the ice is a good burp from someone who isn’t afraid to hold it in. Sometimes someone accidentally farts (or queefs), because let’s be honest, some moves just really open you up down there, and there is no shame in that. But it all brings us closer, whether it just makes someone laugh or sparks a conversation. We’re all here to have a good time, learn together, work out and maybe even find new friends.