We have all heard the phrase growing up “comparison is the thief of joy”; and it still applies as an adult. You see, I have never truly been what others have considered to be athletically talented. Sure, I can pick up a game of volleyball or basketball, but I sure wasn’t going to be a Varsity starter! Except, I could have been if it weren’t for my own thoughts. You see, I was constantly comparing myself to others; peers, professional athletes, my coaches, etc. I was never perfect, therefore I wasn’t good at all. This stole every ounce of my joy and I have felt this throughout my journey at Aerial Dance as well.
So now what? Comparison steals your joy, you have recognized it, and you are in a standstill. Stop, and take a minute to be mindful of your environment. As so many of my sisters have written before me, our studio is uplifting, empowering and helps you to embrace all of your strengths. It is so easy for us to see the beauty and power that each other holds, it is time to look in all of those mirrors, and see them in yourself as well. Easier said than done, I know.
I thought about this a lot this term as my anxiety and self-doubt started to creep in, and I wanted to share a few tips that got me through. First of all, find a studio sister who can hype you up! Thankfully my best friend and I are able to take classes together so I have a built-in studio sister. I have also gained so many sisters throughout my journey, and lean on them when I am feeling down. Second, lean on your instructors! If you are feeling like you aren’t sure of a move due to confidence, skill level or memory, TELL THEM! They are here to help, and want to see you succeed. And last, be your own hype man! I started a playlist simply for my drive to class and it makes me feel like the queen I am!
Sure, comparison can be the thief of joy, but there is so much the studio offers to support you through those struggles. Remember to utilize the relationships you have built in the studio with other students and your instructors! Rising above the need to compare yourself is tough, but you my dear, are so much stronger than that.
Come be a part of a community! Try Intro to Pole or sign up for a Beginner Pole Term today!