You Competed….. So Now What?

The amount of preparation that goes into a pole competition is no small amount of time or cost. Many competitors believe that their competition routines are one and done, but that is far from the truth! Pole competition routines can be performed and tweaked with each competition. This year at the Central Pole Competition, Aerial Dance supported eight competitors! For some it was their first competition and for others their second or third. For one competitor in particular it was her second competition.This competitor is student Veronica.

V – Rock!

Veronica or V-Rock as I like to call her, began her competition career at the Minnesota Competition. Veronica competed at a Level 2, meaning she could drop down into or kick up from the ground into inverts. During the Minnesota Competition V-Rock danced her heart out! Unfortunately she competed in a larger category and did not place. It was also apparent that some of her competitors may have not been in the correct category. Did this stop V-Rock? Of course not! She was still in love with her song and routine! She took this as an opportunity to grow!

After each competition the judges provide feedback to all competitors about their routine. Veronica seized this opportunity of feedback and decided to use it change her routine for her next competition. Veronica once told me, “You spend so much time and money on a routine, I am not going to only perform it once. My routine is so special to me and it wouldn’t make sense not try it again.”
For the Central Pole Competition, V-Rock worked with the instructors and the competition team to revamp her routine. Through her changes she made the difficult decision to change her competition level. She moved from a Level 2 to a Level 1. In a the Level 1 category you cannot invert. Veronica was not worried by this at all as she felt she could showcase her skills and routine in a new dynamic way. Which she proved to be true!
Through her changes and extremely hard work, Veronica was able to persevere to take second place at the CPC! She is a true inspiration for her fellow students and competitors! She has embraced that it is okay to utilize judges feedback to construct a more solid routine. The competition future looks bright for V-Rock! Her love of performing grows stronger with each competition!

What’s Next for V-Rock?

The competition road does not end here for Veronica! She is very interested in competing in the USPSF Midwest Regional  Competition that Aerial Dance will be hosting next April! USPSF competition follow different level structures and point system. Which means more hard work is ahead for competitors looking to compete. Thankfully for anyone like Veronica toying with the idea, we have our very own Pole Unicorn Judge, Owner Paula.


Ladies, your routine is something you craft that is uniquely yours. You give so much of yourself each time your perform! Please think about how you can use that routine and feedback to help you grow. You are already amazing for competing! Now really show them what you can do!
Until Next Time,