Create beautiful shapes on a pole that spins. Work on longer spin combinations and creative transitions to give your workouts more variation.

To register for Pole Spins you must have taken at least one “Intermediate” level Pole Class. You must also be currently enrolled in a leveled weekly Pole Exercises class (Intermediate, Advanced, etc) to be eligible to enroll in this class. Log into your account to be able to register.

Take this class a single time by registering online and paying $29 or take it as part of a 5-pack for $125. This class is included in the Elite Memberships.


Who can take this class?

This class is open to students currently enrolled in our leveled Pole Exercise Program.

What should I wear?

Wear shorts for this class.

What will happen in the class?

Class will begin with a warm-up. Then you will be taught different spin combinations depending on your level. Class will conclude with stretching.

How many people are in the class?

The maximum class size is 9 so you will have your own pole for the hour.


Drop into a class for $29!
Purchase a 5 pack of drop-in classes for $125 to be used within 6 months from the purchase date.
These classes are included in our Elite Membership!

Frequently asked questions

Who can take this class?

This class is open to women of any size, shape, or fitness level who are over the age of 18. No previous experience is required! If you are male or under 18, contact us for class alternatives.

What do I wear?

Leggings & a tank top are great for Fitness and Aerial classes. Shorts above the knee are good for Pole classes. Plan to be barefoot unless you prefer to wear clean tennis shoes and please refrain from wearing jewelry. Bring a water bottle, too!

How many people are in the class?

Maximum class size is 8-10 people, depending on the class, so the instructor can give individual variations and assist in spotting as needed.

Fitness Classes:

Dance Classes:

Flexibility Classes:

Aerial Yoga


Appleton Studio

1871 N. Silver Spring Drive
Appleton, WI 54913

Green Bay Studio

1601 Lawrence Drive
De Pere, WI 54115