Mood Boosting Ability!

Mood Boosting Ability!

I don’t know what it is but going to Aerial Dance really does help improve my mood. I was having a semi stressful day at work last week, it wasn’t too chaotic or anything luckily but it was just a blah kind of day, and I remember just being like “I can’t wait to go to...

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Mood Boosting Ability!

Pole Kisses (aka Bruises)

When you’ve been doing pole for so long, you think that you just stop bruising, because your body is just used to being thrown at a metal object or doing the same thing over and over that you’re just desensitized from it. But then you take a class and do a different...

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Mood Boosting Ability!

A Little Self Confidence

When talking about confidence there’s a lot of things that go into that. We all know someone who just exudes confidence and radiates good energy. Some people learn confidence, others it just comes naturally to them and there are some of us who are still actively...

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Behind Every Superman is Really a Superwoman

Working It All

Aerial dance is a work out.  That statement is not a surprise to most. Another unsurprising statement is telling someone aerial dance is a full body workout.  Most people eagerly agree and discuss the strength the tricks take.  Some even understand the...

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Mood Boosting Ability!

Dancing to a Better Mood

So it’s been a pretty stressful time for me lately. I have a lot going on at the moment and while a lot of it is self inflicted, it still doesn’t diminish the fact that I’m stressed and a little miserable. Going to the studio usually makes me feel better but lately...

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Behind Every Superman is Really a Superwoman

Embrace the Fear

Embracing our fears is a common feat to do at Aerial Dance, though it might not always seem like it. We can joke about being scared to try a move or performing on stage, but fear can also be a great motivator. We do badass things all the time when we’re in class but...

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Mood Boosting Ability!

Appreciate your Body…ly Functions

This one might end up being a little weird, but this brings a smile to my face when I think about it. I love our studio and the people in. The instructors, the students, everyone has such unique backstories or talents, some people are extremely flexible and others...

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Mood Boosting Ability!

Class Camaraderie

Something I truly love when being in class is the conversation and camaraderie that goes on between us all. It makes class so fun and before you know it, it’s the end of the hour and you have no idea where all the class time went! I’ve been in the same level class...

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Behind Every Superman is Really a Superwoman

Eat That Elephant

There’s a famous proverb that asks, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is simple, “One bite at a time.” With the new year upon us, many of us have set resolutions for 2025. Aerial Dance even offered a night of crafting and goal-setting for members, encouraging...

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Appleton Studio

1871 N. Silver Spring Drive
Appleton, WI 54913

Green Bay Studio

1601 Lawrence Drive
De Pere, WI 54115