by Student | Jun 8, 2023 | Student Journey
Each week, I look forward to my pole classes. I am excited to learn something new and take something home to practice. It’s definitely an activity you cannot get sick of! There are a lot of things that comes with being in a pole class: strength, flexibility,...
by Student | Jun 2, 2023 | Student Journey
Aerial Dance has given me the strength both mentally and physically to do things I never would have imagined. I can walk into the studio with my head held high. I can walk into a studio full of beautiful, strong women, some I have never met but still greet me with a...
by Student | May 30, 2023 | Student Journey
No matter your age, gender, or stage of life, having someone who inspires you to be the best version of yourself is always a positive thing. I truly feel there are so many individuals, students and instructors at Aerial that are true inspirations to me. I won’t...
by Student | May 5, 2023 | Student Journey
Shortly after starting my journey with Aerial they had announced they were going to be hosting a free fall themed outdoor photoshoot and I was ecstatic! I had never done a photoshoot before and had no idea what it was going to entail, but I was ready to take it on...
by Student | Apr 28, 2023 | Student Journey
This week I decided to switch things up again and I decided to try out hammock! I was surprised how different it is than the hoop and pole that I have been working on lately. It felt like I was using totally different muscles. This seemed really...