by Paula Brusky | Nov 16, 2020 | Paula's Journey
It’s the holiday season, for many this means purchasing gifts for loved ones. Normally the thinking goes something like this “What would mom like?” I’m begging you to add a question to the start of your gift giving process this year to save...
by Student | Nov 13, 2020 | Student Journey
Much like my last blog, earlier this year (pre-covid19), I said I decided to try the other apparatuses because I was curious what they were like. One thing I did forget to mention about the silks, was that my curiosity for wanting to try the silks was because I had...
by Kim Flinchum | Nov 11, 2020 | Instructor Journey
Its no surprise that I love aerial dance. How did I get here? I first heard about aerial dance about six and a half years ago already. I went to a bachelorette party, and the morning after one of the women was freaking out. She could not find her shorts in her bag. I...
by Student | Nov 6, 2020 | Student Journey
I participated in the recent pole photoshoot and it was a true testament to how far I’ve come in the last year and a half. It was 9 months into my aerial journey before I even tried pole. I would scurry through the pole studio on my way to an aerial class...
by Guest Author | Nov 4, 2020 | Instructor Journey
Yesterday, in front of my fireplace I rested, early before sunrise, enjoying my warm coffee as the flames swayed and danced back and forth. I started to lull into my memories. My mind drifted to the studio, my Sanctuary. I began to smile because I was...