by Paula Brusky | Aug 6, 2020 | Paula's Journey
This week I witnessed first hand the power of attitude. When the mask mandate came out, my inbox was flooded with “I can’t possibly do pole/aerial/fitness with a mask on” emails. And here’s what I learned. First, a side note: This blog post is...
by Student | Aug 5, 2020 | Student Journey
Today marks 4 years for me of being cancer free. For those of you who don’t know me or my story, I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of uterine cancer shortly after turning 29 years old. Up until this day, I felt invincible. I had a brand-new apartment, a really...
by Student | Aug 4, 2020 | Student Journey
It was January 14th, 2020 and I was both nervous and excited. Nervous because I wasn’t sure what to expect both from the class and myself and because it was a pole class I was nervous about telling people. Mostly friends or family who’d ask if what’s...
by Paula Brusky | Aug 3, 2020 | Paula's Journey
During this crazy time, trust is what we must keep coming back to. When I look on Facebook and I see the anger, hate, and fighting it seems like trust is the last thing anyone is willing to give at the moment. But if we are going to make it through this, and if small...