Bust Through Your Plateau

Bust Through Your Plateau

Chances are at some point in your pole journey you’ll be faced with a plateau.  Even though it happens to all of us, this can be an incredibly frustrating time were we feel like we have few successes.  Luckily, there are a few things we can do to help our plateaus be...
Phase 2: Spotting Returns

Phase 2: Spotting Returns

Sunday is the official start of “phase 2” at Aerial Dance. The big change with phase 2 is spotting resumes. A lot of research and thought has gone into our spotting plan. Below you’ll find all the details (see the Covid info page for full phase 2 details)....
Bust Through Your Plateau

Periodize Your Training

Whether you’re signing up for your first Aerial Dance Annual Show or you’re a seasoned competitor, you may have considered preparing in some way before the event.   Although we have good intentions, we might not always take the best the best strength and...